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Saturday, 12 February 2011

Orlando Miniatures and Ron's

By the 11th March along with two friends we had decamped to Orlando for a week.  The next day I got to do a morning at a fair sized Miniatures show at the Radisson Orlando Resort, Kissimmee while the others entertained themselves elsewhere and collected me for lunch.  

This show, as is the way in America, was super-promoted as a huge event.  I think it was a fair size but not as big as the Stafford show.  Again it is interesting to see what's on offer but already I am beginning to see the same things over and over again and mostly the sort of made in China items or the extreme end of artisan work which is more expensive than real life items.  As an Ikea/BQ house shopper I'm not inclined to pay $1,000 for a piece of furniture for real let alone 1/12th.  By the same token I don't want clunky over-varnished mahogany stuff either.  Something about champagne taste and beer pocket springs to mind.

On the 18th we left Orlando having decided to go home via Tarpon Springs.  This was a bit of a detour but so worth it.  Before that Ken took me to the best miniatures shop in the world – I am sure it really is.  Ron’s Miniatures.  A sweet, smallish sort of add on to what I assume is his home.  Ken sat on the porch in the sun with his book and I lost the morning in there looking at thousands of tiny perfect things – all of which I wanted, few of which I could afford.

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