
Highlighted text

If you click on any of the highlighted text when you're reading the blog it will take you to the thing it is talking about. Usually in my blog it takes you to some of my photographs which illustrate what I'm saying. Sometimes it might be a link to a site which I think is worth checking out.

Saturday 11 February 2012

Just to say Hi!

This isn't really a post, but I know a couple of people who have the blog(s) on an RSS feed and I want to reassure them that I will be returning to this Blog occasionally after April when I get back to the UK.

I follow a few Blogs and sometimes people drop off the radar for very long stretches and you wonder if they have decided not to do it any more, so I thought if I just reminded you I was still here and itching to get home to my hobby in the UK, you might not give up on me.  

My new project is Le Tout Paris and I am sure that will take up masses of my chattering time but I will pop in and out of Wentworth Court now and then as there is still work to be done there.  I have curtains to make, some furnishing to buy/rearrange/finish off. I want to do something with the seating alcove on the street level - the fountain needs water and it needs some plants in pots maybe?  Suggestions welcome.

I envy you, using your wintery days indoors getting on with your miniatures - what else can you do when it is freezing outside?   I am sure many of you envy my winter in the sunshine but believe me when I say I get very homesick for my proper homes - large and small.